Tech Coin

I designed this tech coin to speak on the controversial subject of tech and the internet. The coin itself holds many symbolic images that brush on identity, history, and values within a society. The display case is designed to reflect the shift from traditional religious authority and spiritual guidance to modern sources of information. In the past, religion played a significant role in guiding people, and it still does, but now we can also seek guidance and ask advice from Google or from therapists. But to access these resources, we often need to use Google or our phones/ technology to book appointments or to call places. I intend to invite viewers to reflect on these societal changes. This is more of an observation rather than my personal opinion. I use technology frequently, I'm even using it right now to write this statement!

Tech Coin by Cynthia Aguiar

Media: Pewter, Found object Size: 11in x 9in Made In: 2024

Symbols and their meaning

Circuit board lines = Referring to the digital

Eye = Surveillance/ awareness

Sun rays = Connect nature and technology

Symbols and their meaning

01110100 01100101 01100011 01101000 = Tech

Torus = Cycles with no beginning or end

Liberty scale = An addresses the digital divide

Atomic electron orbiting around the torus = Focusing attention that atoms are present in everything

Circuit board lines = Referring to the digital


Human PC


Realities of Life